Monday, December 22, 2008
confessions at the marriott of sao paulo...
actually. i'm sitting at a great hotel :) with the air conditioner blowing my hair, and i'm throwing back a coke zero.
i did,however acquire the perfect exit row seat with adequate leg room and a short person behind me (unlike the female high school basketball star that sat behind me on the way to brasilia in july) and a pretty nice man sitting next to me.
the flight seemed perfect. we ate dinner about 12:30am (no kidding) and as we were finishing the captain came on and said that we were having weather radar difficulties and that we absolutely could not cross the equator with no weather thingy. so we turned around (after being in the air for a little over an hour). as that happened-i just began to chuckle at the thoughts of not being home for christmas. that's all i could do. the guy sitting next to me was a bit distraught and I think it made him feel better to hear me laugh about it. so, he struck up a conversation and he laughed at the fact that i was reading the brasilian newspaper, he said, "oh, so you can READ portuguese?" I was like....well, i didn't pay my tutor for nothing.... yada yada-it kept him in a better mood talking about brasilia and the great food they had there, the people of course (my favorite). We talked about my love for the little villages and his inability to live in a place like that. I told him about missions and why I was in Brazil, etc. But this is the plane taxied back to the gate-they informed us that we would be going ot the marriott (haha on the portuguese guy said that and i caught it!) to which he looks over and says, (get ready for it) "I know that they will make more than one person stay in a room, you want to room together?" I don't remember my reaction but I'm pretty sure I turned away before I could give him the judgemental eyes. I was so thankful that he stopped to hear an explanation from one of the co-pilots. I ran. Really fast. Got my voucher and took the first taxi I could find. I'm praying for the conversations we will have tomorrow because maybe I didn't do a very good job of relaying information to him about why I was here and WHO sent me. But I clearly talked about missions and that I worked at a Christian school to which he quickly connected that to "peace corp". i'll have to build on that tomorrow.
anyhow-so i'm wide awake and the hotel has informed us that we will not have internet tomorrow (or later today actually..) So-hopefully I won't have to update this again...I will be able to update you in person :) Love you all :)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
confessions of "Indescribeable"
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
updated confessions...
As much as I want to forget last week-the reminders are coming every single day.
The parents informed me that they are considering the other American school (non-Christian) for their children. They also asked me to write a letter of recommendation to which I took to my boss and he is taking care of that situation. I really love this family-lost and yet so loving. It is amazing how one event-can change everything.
Also-because of this incident, we've been reported to the Department of Education here in Brazil. We aren't sure how they found out but it could have been through the hospital (kind of like social services) where the student was taken. It keeps getting bigger and bigger. I know God is in control-I'm just praying for our administration. They've taken a lot of blows for the school this semester. I tell you about being reported because there is a chance that they could delay our opening after we return from Christmas break.
Something good: I had an awesome time building some Brasilian relationships this weekend! My church family is becoming more and more like family as well as some of the young people at another church. One of my pastors says, "You are not a visitor, you are family. We will be waiting for you." I also signed up for the Sunday School class on Calvinism-which I'm really excited about. One of my friends will translate and it will be cool to have someone to discuss this topic with.
So-I have much to look forward to and yet I will probably be missing 1/5 of my class when I return. I rest in the haven of prayer as I am heavily troubled and tired by the events. I am encouraged by the quiet times I'm having and in knowing that I'll be removed from this situation for a short time. Delivered into the arms of love in 6 1/2 more days.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
confessions of a miracle....
I was reminded today just exactly how much I love my students. How much I cherish
each little growing personality, character, and spiritual life.
One of my sweet children was injured in an accident in the bathroom due
to a malfunction of the bathroom stall. You may be thinking-oh that is not bad....
well, we have solid marble bathroom stalls here. So, as one student closed the door,
the whole front panel came crashing down on another student. I was within view of the bathroom and the visual that I have will be forever etched in my mind. Unfortunately-I
can't shake this like an etchasketch.
It took three adults to remove the door from the student and to take him out.
I'll never forget his little face. I felt sure that he had internal injuries, broken bones, a concussion-all of that. I assured the other students that it would be okay-lined them up against the wall, and ran off to the office (there was another teacher present). I realized immediately the impact this would have on the school and on the student. This isn't something that is our fault, but it just adds to the overwhelming trials that keep showing themselves as we end this semester. I should thank God for the trials but it is extremely difficult when you have a
traumatizing visual to precede and follow those thoughts.
The school nurse checked him out, applied band-aids and ice to his very minor injuries, and said that everything on the outside was fine. I am a bit relieved but am reminded that I have to write up an incident report and call his mother. We felt like it would be a good idea for him to get an x-ray as well. All of that was okay, but I began to dread the incident report. I knew that I could not describe in enough detail what I had seen. I also knew that they would ask us to show them what happened. And they did. The reactions were predictable.
I experienced a miracle, grace of God-all of that today. I could feel Him working all around me, listening to my silent prayers, and so many things. The doctor called to say that he is fine. He has no broken bones, and no internal injuries. We are all looking at each other as to say, "How is that possible? Thank you, God!" I am shown God's amazing strength and the things He can do. I know He is getting the Glory from all the staff (especially the ones who lived this thing out) and now-we are just praying for the parents. We know they are from a Catholic background-but we do not really know where their hearts are spiritually.
There are many complications that could go with this incident-please pray for our school, for our staff, and for me as we all deal with this and the other problems mentioned below.
I love you guys.
I will see you in 12 1/2 days.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
confessions of.....
We recently concluded Phase I Renovations to our new campus. This did not come without some added difficulties and just Satan really trying to tear us up. Try as he may-God gave us steadfast hearts and some amazing encouragements during this hardship. He gave us all peace to do our jobs and be amazing for our students. His grace in our attitudes kept everything rolling and most of them without a clue what was happening.
Once through that storm, seemingly, it was over. On Tuesday, our administration was informed that definitely there is a single and a family here illegally. Their visas expired and the government will not renew their original volunteer visas. My roommate shared that she has until the 19th (our last day of school) and then whether or not she will come back will be contigent on her receiving a tourist visa as she returns home for the Christmas holiday.
She shared that she is just not ready to do that-to say her good-byes in two weeks. She also has a boyfriend here and he is one of our co-workers. They are really close (like Tyler and Marie for those of you who know them...).
The other family includes a wife and three children. The three children all go to BIS and Bob teaches several high school courses. His wife shared this with me yesterday:
"it is funny that we agonize over what he wants us to do as we"wait for an answer" not realizing that the "nothing" we experience is part of his answer. "
The air around school was pretty somber this morning as the rest of the staff found out in a meeting. Amazingly enough, we walked out of the room encouraged and knowing that God is definitely in control. We understand that He is not lost in this-as scary and unbelievable as it may seem. I am so thankful for that. It is hard not to fast forward in my mind as to what it is going to be like without them. We are praying for mercy and just wisdom for us all-as we wait for our principal to get back into Brazil and as we inform the parents. This would cause 2nd grade to become 1st/2nd split as well as an administrator coming in to teach Bob's History, Computer, and Geography courses. Please pray for our staff as God unfolds this plan. Pray that we are bold to step up when help is needed and that we are diligently praying for the people involved in this sudden change. Please pray that they will have a peaceful Christmas and that God would draw them closer and closer to Himself as the events unfold.
It's been a weird week for us all.....
I've been battling allergies and sinus problems, my kids have been animals (: , and one of them passed out (literally) on top of me today. I flashed back to (my brother) Andy's seizure a couple Christmas' ago. I don't think I can talk about it right now.... thank the Lord-he is fine. I was so tired by the end of the day that when the kids suggested a second nap at 1:45-I agreed and let them lay down again. I love them so much-I mean-I really love them. I wake up every morning looking forward to teaching, loving, and giving them my best every single day. Even today-when it felt like I had a concrete block in my head-I knew I couldn't miss. What if the sub didn't know our "evens" cheer? or our "Daily ABC/123 Workout? I HATED the fact that someone else would be teaching my kids. So-to answer that question for you Jenn....that's what you do when you need a sub-you think about it...and then you just go. :) The funny thing is that it would be someone pretty close to the kids-an administrator, the preschool teacher, or someone who is consistently at school. And I still worry about them :) They are so independent now-they change the Classroom helpers themselves every day, along with line order, and getting the attendance sheet. This probably means nothing to you-but it is completely amazing to see them ask for and take responsibility. :)
we have a website :) pictures for those who really love to see them :)
Love from Brazil for 18 1/2 more days.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
confessions of thanksgiving....
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hey everyone! Whew! Just got in from an action packed weekend! Probably one of the most back to back "new" experience weekends I'll have here in Brasil (I can spell it that way, right, I live here....)
First, I went to Hillsong-a free (with a donation of a kilo of food) concert. It was really cool to see so many people singing the same Hillsong favorites "Mighty to Save" "Worthy is the Lamb" there were others such as "Shout to the Lord".... We got there at 6 and waited until 10pm for Hillsong to come on. It is always in true Brasilian fashion to be late-fashionably and unfashionably :) I relearn that every single day.
Next, I attended my first Brasilian wedding! The BIS Secretary from last year got married on Saturday. She had an evening wedding that I wore a prom-like dress (no kidding). My informant told me that weddings are a BIG DEAL! And she was right-most people were dressed-not in their Sunday best-but their formal finest! Some were dressed semi-formal--but it was really nice! The power went off in the middle of the ceremony-so that was interesting. Cake, Guarana, water, and Coke were served to us (we stood at the reception) along with chocolate "bon bons".
Some Brasilian wedding stats:
- it is common for the Bride and Groom to sing to each other during the ceremony.....Tayana and her husband did--as she was walking down the isle. Quite amazing she could hold that together-that would never fly in the us!
- the bride is ALWAYS at least 30 minutes late....more common that she is later than that.....we waited for 1 hour!
- the bridesmaids and groomsmen come down the isle but then sit on the front pew. Typically the parents sit up on stage.
- Usually there is a "fake" cake that is made or "rented"-it is absolutely beautiful but not eaten.....(different, huh!)
- The bride 9 times out of 10 rents her dress. She can pay a lot of money to have the "first wear" of a dress that she gets designed for her wedding-but it will still be rented. They can pay up to 2,000 reals for a "rented" wedding dress. insane-right? but then-they don't have it rotting in their closets.
- sometimes the weddings start at like 7:30-8:00; the reception starts about 10pm, and they dance and celebrate until wee hours of the morning. These weddings are usually very expensive and the hosts will buy guests a pair of haviana flip flops (around 14-20 reals) to dance in.
Last, I attended a camp with the Youth (ages 18-35) from the Igreja Presbyterian Nacional (the church I regularly attend) and it was amazing! I'm building relationships, loving these people, and watching their cultural norms unfold before my eyes. I'm doing a lot of observing and trying to figure out what to say when EVERYONE asks, "So, how is your Portuguese?" This is really a blessing---but it is still very hard for me to think of things to say to them. I get really embarrassed because I don't know all the rules and if I just say anything-it ends up being SOO wrong or really funny. As much as I like to laugh and joke (and be joked with)-I really hate getting
laughed at because of my Portuguese. It does not come very natural to me yet and therefore makes it difficult to think of things to say when put on the spot. So-I am challenged to study and make a better effort. People are no longer allowing me to speak English (which is truly a blessing-I promise) and I praise God for this push to try harder.
I'm running again...and I hate it. Running clothes get on my nerves....once I ignore the fact that they are going to ride up or fall down---it is sweet and I end up organizing thoughts, relaxing, and pondering the hard things of the day. So-it's therapeutic and that is the only thing that keeps me going back.....because I truly detest it.
In my Bible reading-I should be through the whole Bible by May 25th. This is if I read 5 chapters a day (I read one chapter from 5 books every day). Lately, I've been in Leviticus, Psalm, Isaiah, John, and 2 Thessalonians(sp.) It is so sweet how sometimes 3 and 4 of these books will line up and talk about the same things-even with my random way of going through the Bible. Just another awesome wonder of God :)
I miss you guys! I will be home in about 35 DAYS! I can't believe it! I've already filled my Itunes classroom playlist with my favorite Christmas HYMNS and of course David Crowder's Feliz Navidad. I've decided that it is okay to start this early because they don't celebrate Thanksgiving (only our BIS staff)--so we're gonna do Christmas for like a month!! It's kind of hard though since I'm used to sipping on hot chocoloate, bundling up in a blanket, fighting with my grandparents over the thermostat, and of course Thanksgiving all building up to Christmas. I think many of my plans for the next month include my bathing won't feel like Christmas until I hug my parents and my nose begins to run in the 30 degree weather :)
Prayer Requests
- Taylors and Stephanie Downing-Visas and prep to come (hopefully early Jan.)
- Our staff has been asked to make resignations as soon as possible in order to begin recruiting early (because of the visa process)-so there is a little stress going around about that.
- My sending church, CrossPoint Baptist-they purchased land a few months ago and still greet many guests on a weekly basis. Last Sunday they had 50 guests! How Cool! Pray for their Outreach ministry and what to do with all the new faces!! They also have an awesome College Ministry that keeps growing and growing!!!
- For my students and their families during the Christmas season. We will put on a Christmas program that is required for all students and most families will attend :) This is a great way to share and show the Gospel!
- For our school. We JUST finished Phase I of renovations. We are encountering some opposition in different areas and it is vital that we stay on our knees, humbled, and seeking God in all areas of our lives and in this school.
- For our principal, Scott Bose
- For the ministry opportunities that I've encountered and will be involved very soon!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
confessions of Gadsby's Hymnal
I think all of us struggle with some form of a past sin whether it be hidden, confessed, or repented (or maybe all three)-and I had a conversation this week that basically said, "My unbelief is my stronghold". About 30 minutes later, I realized that this is so true. Our unbelief is the stronghold. It's not that God doesn't have the power to heal us-it is simply our unbelief-our flesh, this earth, and maybe our deep condemnation.
William Gadsby was a Baptist minister from a poor background and as a child he went to a hanging. It is said that this ghastly sight forever "preyed upon his mind" in terms of eternity. I think of this and how the spectacles of our lives prey upon our minds. These things should drive us to share the gospel-through our words and lives with others. We should be haunted by the eternity of others-to be forever sharing our eternal perspective with others. I can confess that I'm not impacted by that enough.
He ministered for 38 years at St. George's Road Baptist Chapel and traveled 60,000 mostly by foot to preach the Gospel. In 1938, he and his son, John, started a magazine called "Gospel Magazine" which is still in print.
Ol' Gadsby must have been a force to be reckoned with at his time. I think he would have been a modern day Mark Driscoll-very practical, truthful, shocking, convicting, and seen as crazy. I can see that-he was not a fan of musical instruments in church. He was not afraid to argue for the sake of the truth. He was also weary of missionaries because he felt like many of them preached erroneously and spread false doctorines.. Hmm. Yikes! A part of me wants to rebuke him and in another way-I know my missionary friends and I have experienced some very confused people-confused by the doctorine taught by missionaries.
This is what was said of Mr. Gadsby by Richard Lord,
"It is now nearly forty years since the devil and I were friends, and now during that time we've had many a conflict; but if the devil has begun to send such men as Mr. Gadsby to preach the gospel as he does laying the sinner in the dust and exalting the dear Redeemer, then the devil and I will be friends for ever."
One man so disliked Mr. Gadsby that he went to towns and preached against him. This man was soon dismissed from his congregation-to which Mr. Gatsby sought him out. From then on, these men were friends to death.
As I continued to read a biography of his-I became more enthralled.....and suddenly I was on the 110th page and out of time. I leave you with these few thoughts in hopes you will check out some of his hymns....ahh....beautiful.
To read his biography online:,M1
I could not put it down (or close it if you could say that about my laptop..) :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
confessions of the smell of rain...
Monday, October 20, 2008
confessions of being a daddy's girl
But as I watch the palm trees sway-I began to miss my earthly father. I miss the feel of his wool suit on my face as he hugs me tight. Or-talking with him about Jesus, Piper, and silly memories. I love sharing MyTime coffee with him and making runs just to get him a bag of those great roasted beans :) Or maybe even cleaning up the coffee mess from our (leaky) cheap coffee pot at home after we've had our morning cup... I love being a part of his life and God allowing me to have a hand in his dreams-such as the John Rice Center and Manchester in general. He is known because he does what God tells him to do. He knows the cost of discipleship. Some hate him, talk about him, and still yet he loves them because most of them are lost. Because He is doing the work God called him to do.
And that helps me get through the day. Pray without ceasing. Hide His words in my heart. To do the hard things. Fight the flesh. To do the work God has called me to do. And to think about my Dad-diligently working, tirelessly, lovingly, and Christlike.
Friday, October 10, 2008
confessions about Children's Day and a few updates
So-Children's Day was really nice. I mean-it was stressful about an hour before because I had no clue what I was/was not doing. :) My kids were tearin' up the room (i mean-they cleaned it and it still looks like a tornado hit it in my opinion) and there was no calming them down. We dismissed school an hour early so we could start
the fun and games.
This little guy-I could possibly have next year. He is 4 and speaks Arabic...
I will admit-it was so worth seeing those beautiful smiles and listening to the glee in their voices as they played games. This concept is for the children and it benefits them as well. Each grade level decides on a game, puts it together, and collects the tickets during Children's Day. The class turns the tickets in for money. We get to pick whatever we want for our classroom! I really want some bean bag chairs for our Reading Center. I have a list of wants like-a grocery store set (so they can play with money) and some new books for our classroom library.
We'll see :)
This was a fairly smooth week even through all the changes in schedule, switches in classrooms (we moved out last Wednesday and moved completely back in yesterday) etc. My students were excellent and I am amazed at how adaptive they truly are. Once they see me adapting-they just fall into place. I wish you all could see what I see and watch from a distance as they progress. I know what it means to be a teacher-to be blessed beyond measure-to be interacting with these children. Sometimes it is hard, it is not fun,
This is Kinza. She has the "Flamengo" soccer club flag on the left cheek and their rivals on the left. I think she mentioned that she almost stopped traffic a couple of times on her way home...
You can pray for the salvation of all students pictured above.....
Funny Quotes from the week:
Keep in mind-we're studying Families
"Yes, if you don't get married, you'll stay little forever."-Nicolas (matter of factly)
"Well, I'm never getting married." -Nana (pronounced Nahnah (not nana) and the only girl in the class)
"But Nana, don't you want to get married?" -Nicolas
"Yes, Nana, you will stay little forever." -Thales
{At this point they are all into the conversation giving their 2 cents}
I quickly intercede at this point because I"m about to bust out laughing-I explain that I'm 26, fully grown, and I'm not married. Nicolas didn't know what to say.
Oh-the best one is today-I'm eating lunch with Nicolas and Caleb. As we eat, I'm trying to have a normal (non-teacher) conversation with him.
"Nicolas, what does your dad do for work?"-me
"Well, he eats, reads to me, and takes out the garbage." -Nicolas
"Okay, what does he do for his job?" -me
"Oh yes, he makes the pencil work and sits at his desk." -Nicolas
The view from the sweetest/hilarious 4 year old. I love the "makes the pencil work"
Almost through Hebrews and I think I might linger there for another 13 days. It is that good to me right now. It is amazing how things line up between the books in the Old and New. I am constantly reading things that coincide!
Praise the Lord:
I got my boxes!!!! I dumped everything in the floor and then scrambled for a place to store it all. The kids LOVE seeing all the new "things" and playing in the new "centers." :) We now have two Leap Pad alphabet games (thanks Mom), new Math manipulatives, books, (rainy day) toys, and so much more. My mother is amazing.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
confessions in randomness....
And let me just tell you-Brazil has cicadas. They don't's more of a siron sound-really weird-only in the daytime and really bad after 12pm.
Currently I'm reading through Exodus, Psalm, Isaiah, Luke, and Hebrews. I've read through Genesis, S of S, Proverbs, Esther, Ecclesiastes, Job, Matthew, Mark, Nehemiah, and maybe a couple more-I don't have my checklist handy. There's not really any order to how I'm reading them-just that I am and I think I really like this method as odd as it might seem to others....
I'm really lovin' Hebrews right now....I mean really, really. I was inspired by this book last fall as I attended some of Ashland Avenue's College Outreach Services, then Piper preached about "going outside the camp" at T4G(for some reason I took notes in my Bible margins-so I see it frequently), and this week, a "homeland" verse caught my



Zoo :) No one loves the zoo more than my

This week, we're going to learn about Jesus Calming the Storm, letters I and D, counting and graphing, and Families. I'm really excited about the Family Unit in Social Studies. We have such a diverse population and some cool "make ups" of families even in my class of 5. I'm most excited about one student that is adopted. :) I have a little story for this bit of information: Every Tuesday is "Bring A Book Day". This is even more popular than show and tell in my class! I get some books in French (they love that I "read" the pictures), some in Spanish, English-whatever. Last week Caleb brought in a book called I Love You Like Crazy Cakes by Rose Lewis. I didn't know what it was about, but I was bawling by the end. I mean-full out tears and almost sobbing through the words. Through each page-Caleb said, "That's me." "That's the airplane my mommy and daddy came on." Oh-and I cried even harder. They laughed and begged me to read the book again. I said absolutely not. I knew I could not make it through again. My heart is inclined to orphans and to adoption. The White's in London, KY are huge inspirations as well as the Caldwell's (whom I've been following since their first adoption announcement). As I read that book, I cried because I know so many orphans are receiving homes. My best friend, Mary, and I have been supporting a foundation called "Holt International" for almost 2 years. So far, we've supported three children during their "middle ground" (the time between orphanage and the actual picking up for adoption). We rejoice in each letter that we receive saying that "Joshua's" been adopted and now we would like to introduce you to " ". We love it. Maybe my heart is inclined so that one day I will financially support an adoption as a wife and a mother. Who knows?! Maybe I will always love and support orphans from afar. James 1:27 will keep me going either way, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
And-the conviction sets in.....because as I love the first component-what am I doing about the other two........
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
confessions of showers of blessings...and the wise little owl...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
confessions of a possible green thumb......
Sunday, September 28, 2008
the real confession...
I finished my awesome Sunday School class today---I'm so sad---I have to find another one to attend. I'm not really sure what to do about that.
Here's the real confession...
So-you guys want to know my biggest struggle? I'm afraid that I'm a burden/distraction. To those who translate, the rest of the class (or the congregation), and this is so hard. I almost go to pieces every Sunday/church service about this.
Some of this is just normal "I'm living in a foreign country" stuff. The rest of it is an "independence" problem. The thoughts of depending on others is so scary for me. I have a terrible time with this. It is really hard and takes a lot of work to translate for someone. The translator sometimes gets next to nothing out of the service. I really struggle with that. I begin to think about their sacrificial giving-I do my best to thank them. I just don't feel like it is ever sufficient. One girl sacrifices her Saturday nights to do this for me.
I cannot explain my difficulty with these situations. I'm in a good place, with good people, and always a great Word from God (when I do have a translator).
You are thinking-wow-is this the biggest problem she has?
This is tortuous for an extrovert. Walking around without a clue how to talk to, respond to, and communicate with people-anywhere and everywhere.
In all of this, I'm learning to be dependant more on God to provide and put people in my life at just the right times (and He does). It's so hard to depend on people for so much. Think about it, I'm 26, not married, I'm living in a foreign country. That automatically makes me a tad bit independant. But what God is showing me is that it's not about my independence but it is all about how dependant I can be on Him. It wasn't my independence that got me here-it was Him. Do I trust Him? His provisions are always perfect. So-yeah-what am I stressing about? AH!
Friday, September 26, 2008
confessions from the lunchroom monitors...
(Nicolas holds up his hand)
"Yes, Nicolas..."
(deep breath)
"Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, FRIIIIIIday, Saturday"
"Ms. Bolin" -Mr. Fryar (the "Principal of the Cafeteria" according to his son)
"Yes, Mr. Fryar.."
"Why do the kids call me Mr. Pancake?"
"I have no clue AND there is no song."' :)
My kids....have to be the most adorable, most creative, lively, and crazy group of kids. I love them more and more each day, talk about them like they are my own, live to see them succeed, and am stirred deep within to show them the love of Christ in every possible way.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
confessions from the prayer journal!!!!
But-the most amazing things have happened!
- I received my boxes from the states (haha-but they are being held in customs-we're gonna try to jew them down a bit on the price....)
- My brother got a job interview at the prison in our hometown (I've been writing this request down for about 1 1/2 years now) Now, we just have to pray FOR the interview! He was so excited and yet nervous! I just told him to remember that God already knows what is going to happen!
- I start Portuguese lessons on Monday with a Christian girl who must LOVE missionaries, teaching, and English. She suggested three days a week (WOW!-wasn't expecting that one) and I agreed :) She will be coming to my workplace! Ahh! I just feel so blessed and overjoyed-so many things at the same time!
- IT RAINED again last night and this morning ;) You just don't know how good it feels when it rains here. The humidity is like 10% every day-no lie. Brasilia went over 100 days without rain and even now-the ground is dry before it really has a chance to be muddy. The cool breeze reminded me of fall in the states (but really here-it is like spring) and I loved it!
AHH! I'm just so amazed but I don't know why? God always provides exactly what I need and He answers those prayers for others as well. He's been pointing me to John 17 lately (like from every angle) and Jesus' "High Priestly Prayer". :) It is really cool to see it through a child's eyes, through a scholar, and then a peer. A-Mazing.
"My God is so BIG, so STRONG, and so MIGHTY, there's nothing that my God cannot DO! For YOU!" -my kids sing this like there is no tomorrow.....and so they should.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
confessions of kindergarten humor....
Okay boys and girls, I love you guys, and I'll see you tomorrow.
Does anyone know what tomorrow is?
"Tomorrow is FRIDAY!"
Somedays---I wish they were right....
"um, Mr. Bowler, can....I....have...a....pencil?" -student A
"hahaha, it's Ms. Bolin!!!!"-student B
Yes, this is officially what one student called me for the first two weeks of school...the
one with all the languages.
Today, the Art teacher asked to have class in our room. I agreed and she brought in construction paper, stuffed dogs, etc for the students. They were "tearing" out shapes for their dogs and gluing the pieces to paper. She informs me that one of the dogs is anatomically correct and the student is admiting this. Upon my arrival at the desk-he had put a sweater on his dog.
That's right-when you're naked-put clothes on.
"Uummm....Teacher" (to which I respond-is my name teacher?" or "wow, someone changed my name)
So, one day the computer teacher is reading to my students (because the lab isn't finished) and they LOVE "No David!" so of course they con him into reading it to them for the 50th time that week. One on of the pages, David is picking his nose. Well, all the kids were like "Ewwwww, gross" which I looked over and said, "Right, and you all use tissues."
From across the lunchroom I see one of my students with his dirty fork walking toward the silverware bowl in the lunch line. I began to yell-"No, no, no" and walk quickly to the rescue of everyone else's forks--to no avail---Can I say "5 second rule?"
"bunnies and bubble tails" (bubbles and bunny tails keeps the kids from talking in the hall and from touching each other)
"Okay, we are going to do patterns today with the letters A and B" Let's say the pattern A, B, A, B
5 out of 6 students say "ABAB"
that 1 out of 6 starts singing "ABCDEFG" to which the rest of the class joins.
I-just stopped.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
confessions of my anger with movie translators....and then a little at myself....
Anyways-I thought of Jenn Martin today as I walked through the Metro Station. This thumping began to run through my body as I walked closer to the open area. I thought for sure I had walked into the ghetto---and yet as I got closer--I began to laugh at myself. They were just break dancing. Someone set up a set of spinners and there were all of these people sitting and standing in a circle. In turn, they were on their heads, their sides, feet in the air-kind of like hip hop gumby or something.
Almost as funny as I was walking in the supermarket the other night and this annoying, BLARING music was coming from the front of the cash registers. After a few trips up and down the isle--I look over--and it's a guy playing a keyboard and singing karaoke in English. "Nuh uh" came out of my mouth as I continued shopping (and once again laughing). I needed that good laugh after one of those "hard" days.
Every other Friday night, we have a service for the Youth of our school. This service includes praise & worship, some crazy fellowship, and an astounding message from Chris Fryar (our school financial director and his other position is "Principal of the Cafeteria"-according to his son, Caleb). Chris began to see the need for the students to get real with God. To get real with their actions, their idols, their insecurities, their thoughts, and their lives in general. Apparently some of them have given in to the world during the summer. The staff is broken and concerned for the students as there have been other factors worked into this equation as well-such as the Muslim family (yes parents and all) that attended, the Brazilian girls, and a few others. I know God can do whatever He wants and will use whomever He wants...
"Take me past the outer courts, into the holy place,
Past the brazen alter, Lord I want to see your face,
Take me past the crowds of people and priests who sing your face
I hunger and thirst for your righteousness and I've only found one place.."
Chris talked about the students' reasons for being there every other week. He asked them to
evaluate their lives for the sake of God. He was talking in context of coming to Smash....But-It really made me stop and think a bit about my own selfish motives for certain things in my life. I am really praying that I will seek to serve God better by seeking to serve others well. Serving others when it isn't convenient for me. Service always with a cheerful giving heart. I think I can get bogged down with "stuff" which makes service to others tiring and inconvenient for me. I am directed to the verses in Matthew 25-And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'-when someone is need. I should be ready to serve anytime-anyone-without complaint.
On a lighter note-I experienced my first power outage this week-While I was in the shower at 5 am one morning. Quite hilarious. Thank the Lord for decisions NOT to wash hair and for candles in tins ( I told you guys I would need them!!). I opened my computer for light and amazingly enough put on makeup and finished getting ready! Oh the things you can do!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
confessions of 4 1/2 year olds on the green carpet
I obviously didn't understand their view of reverance.
I always read from the Bible to them and read verses out of the Bible. I really didn't know if they could actually hold their Bibles and listen to a story without ripping the pages, throwing them around, sitting on them, etc. (all the things I've seen them do with my books).
Wow, God is so great-He is so wondrous. They knew what they were holding. In the innocence of their minds-they carefully looked at the pictures, flipped through the pages, and some even began unfolding some of the tattered and folded pages. When we held them-it was like a silent hush fell over the kids as they each received this huge book.
As I was reading the story-they began looking at the pages and as this perturbed me, I stopped to listen to what they were saying. One of my 4 1/2 year olds said, "Look-this is Jesus-he is still on the cross." Grasping this teachable moment I said, "No, Jesus is not on the cross. He is with God the Father in heaven." Upon this, we went through the whole story. My little Zambian was on it-she told him all about how Jesus was punished for our sins(think Passion of the Christ) to which I began to talk about sin and what this was. We talked about how Jesus was perfect (and in the conversation someone said, "Yeah, he never pinched or hit his friends." This was so profound to a couple of them. I should also share that they had this "nuh uh" moment the other day when I told them that we are all sinful from birth-from the time we are babies. I mean their looks said it all (some even dropped the jaw)---they were astonished at this concept.
I'm almost certain that two of my students do not attend church and from their responses-we are not really sure what their religious views are at home. I will say though, that one of them sings Jesus Loves Me like it's going out of style and the other BEGS to pray before lunch. Simply amazing. God can do whatever He wants.
"All God's children singing, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah He Reigns, He Reigns"-this rolls off their tongues at least four times a day (depending on the CD rotation) and Hosanna (Christy Nockels) is beginning to go from hummms to words-they also love Kari Jobe -and Shawn McDonald makes them wiggle in their seats. I'll tell you though, the ones that love it the most are the two with the rather sketchy backgrounds.
Pray for them and for their families that I would have the chance to show them all Christ and just share God's love and truth with them as the occasions arise.
Monday, September 8, 2008
confessions about a hymn-hater
I don't think I needed to say anything to this person-I think the look said it all. As Tiffany Hardin says, "Judgemental Eyes". I feel terrible and then I don't. I don't feel terrible for feeling this way about the great words of hymns past. How could you be a hymn-hater or an "Unlover of Hymns?"
There are some really great Contemporary Praise and Worship Songs out, but man, to totally discard the hymns?
I appreciate them now more than ever. I'm hearing them in church and for the most part they are the only songs that I know. I know the words I'm saying and when the choir sings-I can just close my eyes and visualize the words. It feels so good to be a hymn-lover.
Prayer Requests:
- Staff family members are afflicted with different things-viruses, cancer, homesickness, organ failure, etc.
- My Granny as she is dealing with her foot swelling again. She is not able to have an operation to correct this-so she has to deal with it as it comes and goes.
- Staff members waitign for visas: Aundrea and Michael Taylor and our newest teacher-Stephanie Downing :)
- Graduates of BIS-as they go to college (some are not saved but are deeply influenced by BIS)-some of them are going to Muslim communities to live while they attend college.
- Challenges of learning Portuguese (But I am learning)-praying for a Portuguese tutor.....
- A Youth Conference being held here Sept. 25-27th and the Outreaches that will take place before.
- Mary Wolford, as she is working with in orphanages and facilitating discipleship relationships with the people there!
- For lost relatives, friends, and students.
- The dollar is strengthening! 1.72 today! (which is a praise-it makes our support go further)
- For my Supporters-THANK YOU!!!!! I appreciate your diligence :) Also-thank you to those who are new supporters :)
- For those whom are sent to me in the form of interpretors on Sunday morning. I pray so hard for this-I am attending a really phenomenal Sunday School class and they are so persistant in finding me an interpretor every single Sunday morning. I don't even have to ask-they just come. This is giving me a chance to meet different people and foster some amazing relationships.
- For my beautiful students-their beautiful character-and their amazing perspectives....I am so blessed to be here serving God.
Monday, September 1, 2008
confessions of a childhood fav. hymn and Hell.
Brethren, see poor sinners round you slumbering on the brink of woe;Death is coming, hell is moving, can you bear to let them go?See our fathers and our mothers, and our children sinking down;Brethren, pray and holy manna will be showered all around.
Sisters, will you join and help us? Moses’ sister aided him;Will you help the trembling mourners who are struggling hard with sin?Tell them all about the Savior, tell them that He will be found;Sisters, pray, and holy manna will be showered all around.
Is there here a trembling jailer, seeking grace, and filled with tears?Is there here a weeping Mary, pouring forth a flood of tears?Brethren, join your cries to help them; sisters, let your prayers abound;Pray, Oh pray that holy manna may be scattered all around.
Let us love our God supremely, let us love each other, too;Let us love and pray for sinners, till our God makes all things new.Then He’ll call us home to Heaven, at His table we’ll sit down;Christ will gird Himself and serve us with sweet manna all around.
Ah, thank you Dr. Orrick for reminding me (some time ago) of this childhood favorite hymn and then Erito again leaving it on my facebook :)
In Sunday School we're studying about Hell:
A bit from Calvin:
But we must seek a surer explanation, apart from the Creed, of Christ’s descent into hell. The explanation given to us in God’s Word is not only holy and pious, but also full of wonderful consolation. If Christ had died only a bodily death, it would have been ineffectual. No — it was expedient at the same time for him to undergo the severity of God’s vengeance, to appease his wrath and satisfy his just judgment. For this reason, he must also grapple hand to hand with the armies of hell and the dread of everlasting death. f439
John Owen:
"Do you mortify? Do you make it your daily work? Be always at it whilst you live; cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you."
Jean-Paul Sartre:
"Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance."
"Existence precedes and rules essence."
"One always dies too soon or too late. And yet, life is there, finished: the line is drawn, and it must all be added up. You are nothing other than your life.
Oh Mr. Sartre.....I grieve much for those who are in that condition.
I was also reminded of the unfortunate circumstance of egocentrism-Man seeing God as his servant rather than the truth.
Oh-to recognize the truth and yet I wonder how we could forget?
To my father and anyone else...... I labored on this day.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
confessions of a "gringa"
The pastor there, his son is at Southern Seminary! The Brasilians were telling me last night that there are two great schools in the U.S -Southern and Southwestern. They said that there were a lot of smart people at Southern-and I whole heartedly agreed with them. My friend said, "They say Southern is the best in the world." Wow. All the way in Brasilia they think this and it is in our backyard. How blessed are we to have such a mighty fortress of believers who won't compromise the word (and teaches their students the same).
And one last bit of news from last night----IT RAINED!!!!! We were all so happy! They announced it at the end of church and we all rushed out to see the sprinkles on the sidewalk. We haven't had any rain in over 100 days. Everything is dead and dry-you can see the dust on your skin at the end of the day. Maybe I'll no longer have to perform my ceremonial feet washing in the sink before I crawl in bed everynight. I wear shoes and it is almost as if I never even put shoes on my feet. It feels like fall in Kentucky-cool, breezy, a bit of rain. I LOVED it! The Brasilians are walking around freezing and I am loving the familiarity of it all! Thank you, Lord, for the early (very very early) start to rainy season-I was getting tired of the nose bleeds!
In School this week (3rd week):
We are learning about Days 4-6 in Creation. They get stuck on one day and forget about the other days. It's difficult sometimes, but we go to the "Creation Station" (there's a paper for every day showing pictures of what God created) and talk about each poster.
I had a most interesting conversation with one of my kids. I was asking him to speak a bit of Portuguese to his (Portuguese only) classmate.
"I no want to."
"You don't want to? Why?" I asked.
"Well, I just don't."
We bantered a minute about languages and finally I said,"How many languages do you speak?"
"I have three." "Portuguese, Spanish, and the one I'm speaking now."
I could only laugh. If you could see his sweet face......ahh Kindergarten. It is such a challenge for some students because many of them know more than two languages. One of my four year olds knows 3 languages (see above :) ) and the other one is fluent in 3 (Spanish, Portuguese, and English) and can speak in 2 more (Greek and French). Talk about insane?! At four years old?! I usually give directions about three different ways for these students in hopes that they will understand or follow someone else. I can't imagine trying to dig through my brain to find the English words when there are 4 other languages floating around in there....
My students are so wonderful-and-they are now accustomed to walking in the line! They can do it! "Bubbles and Bunny Tails" It's pretty hilarious to watch, but the 1st grade teacher is getting ready to recruit me to come and show her kids how to walk in a line!
Yesterday I got my first haircut and I went by myself. Why? You ask? I just wanted to see if I could do it. So-bravely, I found a salon that was seemingly friendly, yet cozy. They are a dime a dozen here (worse than in the states) so I just walked up and down the Quadras until I found a hair supply store and the salon was underneath. I slowly walked downstairs and showed them the word for "trim" to which they asked one of the girls (Amanda as well....) to translate. So-in just a few minutes, I was getting my hair washed and cut. Graca (Grasa) did an AMAZING job! I was so nervous but she took her time and asked questions when needed. I made a couple new friends and an appointment for next month with her. Oh-and I love the complimentary coffee and water that is served as you get your hair done!!
Also-I started to notice about the culture is that both men and women wear gold engagement rings on the right hands (until they are married). Most of the younger couples (like my generation) they also wear silver rings when they start dating seriously. I asked my friend why the men wear them and she said, "We want EVERYONE to know that they are taken." Which I thought was hysterically funny. She will be getting married within the next year-depending on when the government calls her fiance into a job (He scored very high on a test to get into the Supreme Court-but now he could wait up to 2 years to get a job). These jobs are few and far between and many Brasilians try and fail the tests every year. They study for days, hours, months at a time once they apply to take the test. You basically have it made if you get one of these jobs-many want-few get. They give you a VERY nice salary plus food, gas, and GREAT work hours. Anyway-there's a little Brasilian culture for you.....
Friday, August 22, 2008
Open House-International Style...

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Everything you need to know, you learned in Kindergarten...
My Pow Pow and Me

Blog Archive
- confessions of a possible green thumb......
- the real confession...
- confessions from the lunchroom monitors...
- confessions from the prayer journal!!!!
- confessions of kindergarten humor....
- confessions of my anger with movie translators.......
- confessions of 4 1/2 year olds on the green carpet
- confessions about a hymn-hater
- confessions of a childhood fav. hymn and Hell.