Friday, February 20, 2009

confessions of ...International Fair

These pictures are in order you will see preps at the bottom and then scenes from the Fair

So this is jellyfish that I made out of ziplock baggies. Portuguese Man-Of-War is one of the animals in New Zealand. The kids loved helping tie yarn, curly ribbon, and swirly contact paper for tentacles. Then, I took a piece of blue netting and suspended the jellyfish from paperclips.

This is a picture of us. We presented three times that night and there was just no time to take pictures while rounding up 8 students, enteraining parents, and get ready for the next presentation.

This is my precious Nana. Her grandfather when to a very nice store and bought her a wood beaded necklace that was so beautiful. I couldn't resist taking and posting this picture of this sweet grandfather giving her this special gift. Her grandparents take pride in her studies especially in her daily Bible studies and with the rest of her academics as well. She is very blessed to have such amazing grandparents that love her and want her to follow God despite her parents.

This is my class, PreK, and my friend Marcos. He came as a guest speaker to talk to them about New Zealand. The absolutely loved him and inspired him. He returned to watch our presentation on Friday night and was very impressed with the knowledge they soaked up in the short time he was there---and that they remembered (and said it during the presentation when he walked in). It was amazing!

Oh-the fun of fingerpainting with students :) We painted long strips of paper with different colors of greens and yellows. Then, we outlined and cut the leaves (great fine motor skill development). These were most of our wall decorations.

Friday, February 6, 2009

confessions of ....a college graduation and 100th day of school week and Jack!!.....

Confessions of a Graduation!

Me, Ilenie, and Raquel at Ilenie's after party. It was awesome!

Somethings I learned about Graduations:

  • They get to pick their music.
  • Their gowns (haha) are A LOT prettier and more classier than our see through paper
  • Sometimes they have fireworks on stage after throwing their hats in the air
  • Their round across the stage is like in 4 different parts. They walk to one person and do something, then to another, then they shake hands with the staff on stage, and then they do a final pose before they go back into line. All the while there are photo shoots going on at each little station.
  • Their friends are there to make the most noise, dress ridiculously, dance, and whatever else they decide to do.
  • During some ceremonies-this guy with a funny hat looking thing gives each graduate a blessing with this "hat" and then they put their actual cap in place and finish their stations on stage. \
  • When they throw their hats up in the air-it is like a big party-they dance, sing, say goodbyes, hug, everyone talks, hangs out, finds friends, etc.
  • It is not customary to get gifts or to receive money here.

**Oh, in other countries, please ask a lot of questions-maybe even the same questions asked in different ways....For instance, when I was invited to this graduation-I ask Ilenie what I should wear. Well, in all of that-she replied, "You know a big gown/dress and a thing on your head. Well, I was under the impression that it would be like the dress I got for the wedding (see previous posts). And somehow in the conversation I got that we were supposed to wear masks to the party. I don't know. Well, we finally got this straightened out a couple of days before the graduation-so it wasn't a tragic mistake. We've laughed and laughed about this mask all week. It is just one of those things! You laugh at yourself, make a few jokes, and go on.

It was a sweet celebration and I mean "sweet".........bon bon kind of like treats-chocolate covered cake with a strawberry in the middle. I could have eaten the whole tray. But I didn't. I didn't even put any in my purse like the other Brasilians (I don't think this is rude---I think it is actually a compliment to do this).

<-----Ms. Rebeca(our amazing secretary) and the Kindergarten class that loves her.

The 100th day of school almost killed me. No really. By lunchtime my body was screaming "3:05" but it just wasn't a reality. But we had a great time-I mean really really good. Each student had 100 things for snack (most little cookies/cereal/candy) and 100 objects to take home. We made hats with 100 stickers on them and wore them around all day. (Note to self-stickers don't stick well to foam). We counted to 100 A LOT of times. Preschool joined us and that was a little insane, but it is really good for both classes. My students have the chance to help them and they have a chance to see what our class might be like/learn social skills from my students.

I went to Nicolandia-which is like one of our travelling carnivals....except it doesn't travel. So-we went and rode most of the rides, walked around, and I had churros and coco water (kind of crazy sour/sweet/salty coconut like water thingy). It was fun to hang out with my new roommate and to interact with the high school students. :) We got lost because I couldn't remember the "brasilian" name for the we ended up at Central Park Bank (haha) and we wanted to go to parque de cidade. You should have seen the pictures of the rollercoasters and the ferris wheel that I was drawing. Extremely humerous. If I could have had you all in my pocket.....

I'm still running. I did 5-20 minute runs, 1-18 minute run, and took a day off yesterday. I'm working on running 2 miles in 20 minutes (I'm up to 1.87) and getting a good pace before I up the minutes. I might be beginning to like....running....don't tell anyone.

**The Comic Section**

Today in chapel, one of my preschool students clapped/smashed a bug with his hands and then showed everyone his prize all squished in his hand (I won't lie-I was highly amused and had to turn to hide my laughter).

Thales- "He, he did it on perfect" (He should have said "purpose")

We got a turtle as a class pet. We talked about touching the turtle and what could happen. (get sick, go to the doctor). Well, we are also doing a month long unit on dental hygiene. One of my specials teachers came to get them one day and we were talking about "Jack". I said to my very smart class, "What happens if you touch the turtle?" My little British boy replied, "You have to go to the DENTIST!" Okay-I was almost in the floor with that one.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

confessions of a complainer.

Sometimes I just want to complain. And then I think-why complain? Does it make me feel any better--No. Does it make anyone feel better--it shouldn't. Welcome to my life-I'm a complainer. This is important. Complaining shows no evidence of a great God who is in control, takes care of me, and loves me. I need to listen to my "Help My Unbelief" album by Red Mountain. It all boils down to my unbelief and the need to hear the gospel day in and day out. To actually preach to myself through scripture on a daily basis. I watched a piper sermon that changed my whole perspective on a few things. He begins by quoting scripture for 10 minutes straight from Psalms, Romans, and a few other places. The way he emphasized the words-it was almost as if he was having a conversation or he was just preaching. It was amazing.
It means that we welcome Jesus into our lives and make room for him to live, not as a silent guest with no opinions or commands, but as an authoritative guest whose opinions matter more to us than anyone else's and whose commands are the law of our life.
He highlighted several points that I know are true: The devil knows scripture and can quote it (reference to Jesus in the wilderness), if you aren't memorizing scripture-how can you live it? You can't. It is simply impossible. John 15:7 says that "If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will and it shall be done for you."
Abiding in Him with this complaining weakness. Casting my cares upon Him is the only solution to this problem. Something I should have done a long time ago.
I've begun to memorize Psalm 1.
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the ways of the wicked, stand in the way of a sinner,
sit in the seat of a scoffer,
-that is as far as I've gotten. I will get the rest and then go on to Scriptures pertaining to prayer.

I got a new roommate this weekend-she sure is a sweetie! We've had a great time going out, exploring, and talking about her new home. I don't claim to know everything about how to live here, but I definitely want to share what I do know.

I'm running again-this time for real. I was playing around the last two times. I ran for 7 days straight-and finished 4 weeks of a 9 week 5K plan. I took a rest day on Friday and then started week 5 on Saturday. Tomorrow will be the test-the plan says that I should run for 20 minutes straight-to which I say, "Really?" That would be fantastic-we'll see tomorrow. I've been amazed at myself thusfar-so it could happen. I feel so fortunate to be able to run. God is so good in that.

My kids are celebrating GroundHog Day and 100th Day of school next week! It is sometimes strange to celebrate holidays that aren't really relevant to Brasil but definitely relevant to an "American Education". Strange Strange. One of my students had the revelation of "God is Jesus and Jesus is God" last week. I love his little heart. Their little light bulbs are on fire right now-working overtime as we write words, talk about New Zealand (for International Fair), and figure out how to write numbers 1-31. They are so cool and don't even know it! :) There are several families considering BIS for next year-please pray for these families and their decisions. Two of them have students entering Kindergarten-which would make my class ALL BOYS! :) If they come, I will have 4 boys and no girls. We're praying the enrollment increases because we do have room for them now!

We're also praying for the new recruits. There are four people already praying about coming! Mr. Bose will go to the states this week to meet potential teachers for next year. We need them! We are losing two elementary teachers and one high school teacher. We are also still waiting for the Taylors to come. They are waiting for their home to sell. They want to be here but are being obedient in continuing to work and to care for foster children in their home. God is not lost in this and those hurting children need Godly influences like the Taylors.

Dear God. Thank you for showing me day in and day out how important You are and how to abide in you. I'm sorry for being a complainer. Help me to complain to you-Help me to run to you and to your perfect word when I need encouragement. Help my unbelief.

My Pow Pow and Me

My Pow Pow and Me