Monday, February 8, 2010

confessions of ....coming back..

I've been so terrible at this blogging thing....for a long time. And I apologize for this shortcoming. I can give a million excuses, but the truth being told-God is using me and has given me many opportunities to serve the ministries He has set before me for this year. My nights are full of serving the International Jr. High Girls (whom I LOVE), attending a Brasilian Bible Study, SMASH (the international student ministry we have every friday night), staff fellowships, and running almost daily with my roommate, Lauren. The Leadership of SMASH also meets every Sunday afternoon to prepare for the Smash meetings-to talk about the student, and to begin to go through "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" by Donald Whitney AND to go through a book of the Bible together. I work with the most amazing people! Our student ministry goes up and down-we are facing many barriers with the students-them being lackluster in their faith and just indifferent to the things of the Lord. We're continually surprised by their attitudes and just praying that God sends a revival to our school. We need it desperately in our student body.

On that note-our school continues to grow, but we are also losing students at the same time-seemingly very sudden for the last month. Many of our African families are sending their sons back to their home countries to attend boarding schools with families. Their embassy's are having problems affording even "sending" their families home. Some situations are just very difficult and unique. Many of these African families are torn apart by the job opportunities for husbands and wives. I have a five year old that is suffering the loss of his mother....the opportunities are so good for him here, but the sacrifice is that she has to live there while he lives here with his father. He misses his mom so very much-I can see it in his crocodile tears about every other day.

I recently started a Bible passage memorization self proclaimed plan. We are going through 1 Timothy in our leadership group-so each week I take 4-6 verses and memorize them from that chapter. I don't think I've ever felt the urgency to memorize in this way. I am finding myself enjoying the time I have in the word and on the meditation of the verses in hopes that I can hide them in my heart for conviction, for counseling, and to glorify the Lord. It is good to be able to quote scripture to have your sword in your head. =)

Please pray for our school. Next year will be a big year for us. We will welcome a completely new administration including the Curriculum Coordinator, Principal, and Business Manager positions. This is almost every position we have on the Administration team. I know God is already working in those that He wants here. He has called me here for at least another year and I feel extremely blessed. I reiterate that I think about going home, but I dream about staying here.

Incredibly, God is allowing me to adapt to many different things. He continues to teach me and guide me through His Word and many corrections of sin that surfaces as I face trials. Please pray that I can encourage people here and love them like He would love them. I'm praying that I can see people in this way-the way He does and point them to Him. I mean, that's the only reason I am on this earth. So why is it so hard sometimes? In our society,self centeredness is like a virtue now....fight it, fight it, fight it....with godliness which should be God centered and therefore caring for others more than myself....a mystery indeed how...

He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed to all the nations, believed on in the world, taken up to glory.

How I cannot wait to see know more of this mystery!

My Pow Pow and Me

My Pow Pow and Me