Friday, May 22, 2009

mmm..confessions of Siao...

This was my first "big" field trip. Planning for 54 students, 6 chaperones, a big bus, a little bus, juice, crackers, cookies, popcorn, games, crafts, puzzles, and the list goes on. I really stressed about this one. I delegated responsibilites, had my meetings, and I just worried about it, prayed about it, and worked for several months to figure all of this out. Siao takes care of children who are living away from their parents for various reasons. They just recently went through a change in administration and this was a bit detrimental to several kids who chose to run away. It saddened my heart to hear that Jonas ran away......
We drove for about 45 minutes out of town and then turned onto a red dirt road that reminded me more of a dirt bike track complete with craters and tire busters all a long the way. But the corn and the wheat were so beautiful as they danced on the side of the road. It was picture perfect.
We played with the three students that were there and I got to share a little bit with the new director. He seems really nice and genuine, but we are being cautious. He talked about the projects that they want to cultivate and work on with us. We are trying to build a better relationship with them in order to plan more trips and to get our kids more involved there. I really have a heart for that place, for those kids, and for the workers. I just need to spend more time there. I confess that I was really busy transitioning everyone, setting up snack, giving things out, and taking pictures.......and it just went too fast. We only had one hour once we got there. Next time, I want to get special permission to stay all day! Our kids need more than one hour to socialize and love on these children.
Tonight we said goodbye to some of our favorites-The McNaughtons. I cannot express the sacrifices they've made for our school. The mom came in and tutored, gave resources, did some gardening, painted(when we first got to school), PAO presidentl......just to name a few. I didn't teach her children, but found ways to interact with them through clubs and through a little project with the high school students. They are amazing. Their parents thought it was only right for them to spend their last evening with their friends--so we went to eat at the mall. Of course, we know our kids are always playing some kind of game....and tonight they shared their "metro" game which included the metro car "driver" and some metro "security guards". Oh querida(o dear!). So-they decide that when the doors open (we all stood because there aren't many places for about 20 ppl to sit) that they would run out-touch the wall, and run back before th doors shut. This worked about two times.....on the third one......the doors seemed to shut a little quicker, and I'm sure it was followed by a stern warning. We love the new "closed circuit" video cameras and we don't disappoint the posters that say "Sorria (Smile)". And I will admit-everyone else on the car was smiling after some of the people got left behind. It was good to see their tired faces break into a "Sorria".
Tomorrow-dress shopping!

Please pray for my little ones! I only had 3 students for most of the week. James and Caleb have the "hand, foot, and mouth" virus! We missed them! Also continuous prayer for the Zambian families that will transition back to their home country this summer. Please pray for Nicolas as he undergoes testing in Panama(June 17th) for his new school (after Christmas). Pray for me as I receive my last evaluation on Monday, planning Graduation (June 6th), Senior Prom (May 29th), planning Field Day for PreK and K (June 4th), finishing the yearbook, and of course for a great finish to the year! Also-for a flexible spirit in whatever job they have for me here next year. I pray that I would be able to do all for the glory of God and that these things will not overwhelm me and that I would be strong in the Lord!

By the way-I only have about 24 more days of reading and then I will finish the Bible! I can't wait to turn around and start again. God's shown me some sweet things in the last 10 months-hit me again!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

confessions of emails.

I've come to realize a few things over the last couple of days. Fonts matter. The size of your text matters. Wording things simply matters. People can take your words however they want even when you try to be indifferent. Even when you are trying hard to just say what you want to say very simply. I've been a huge fan of emails up until now and because of the things that I've experienced-I no longer want to use it as a means of communication.

God, please humble me in the areas that I need to be humbled. Please break me in the places that I need to be broken. I admit-I am wayward, I have a temper, and I thank you for the verses that Your Word gives to me to deal with this. Please help me to apply grace where needed-especially as you grow me through the things that are not my fault. Please give me wisdom, understanding, grace, self control, and patience in dealing with these things. Words hurt so please help me turn to Your Words when these things come and try to avert my attention from what is pure, holy, and true.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

confessions of......

Nahum 1:7
The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.

A Stronghold. I've held tight to this scripture for several weeks and given it to several people as I see them struggle with certain things in their lives.

As I plan for Kindergarten graduation-the reality of next year keeps waving in my face. As usual and as with missions-nothing is certain.
I've recently received news that my friend, Anna, is suddenly leaving Venezuela (I believe) because of visa issues. In the midst of my unsurety and busy-ness, I praise God that I am here. In fact, I praise Him that He saw fit to call me here. I've had the best year possibly of my life-doing my dream job. But we aren't called to do our dream jobs. The qualifications of my dream job should state, "Serving Christ." Period. Everytime I want to complain-I simply cannot because it is a privilege to be here.
So-you're probably wondering what all of this is about. I was basically told that I should be prepared to teach something different next year. We have no preschool students enrolled and only 1 Kindergarten student for next year. I found out that my favorite Zambian is in limbo about whether or not she will come back for 1st grade next year :( There is a lot of that going on right now. Embassies are telling them what to expect for next year and it is becoming a reality for many of our students that their home countries may be the reality. Or it could be that as a family moves back to the states a father is going to Iraq or that a Zambian mother will return to Brazil without her son and family. This is the harsh reality of an International Community. I am so blessed to have met so many amazing people, but I am grieving them already.

We have exactly 100 days to double the pre-enrollment numbers. He has been teaching me a lot about faith and prayer . Faith in prayer. Several times I thought some things were just too much..... And did He show me!

Whatever God has for me is going to be amazing. He will be glorified.

Thank You for Your unfailing love. For being a Stronghold and for continuing to show me what that means. Please continue to humble me in this way. Thank you for all my beautiful friends and students. Help me to love them and help them transition into whatever is happening in their lives. I pray for wisdom and understanding in this-even with my 5 year olds. I pray for BIS and the need for new students.

My Pow Pow and Me

My Pow Pow and Me