Tuesday, May 5, 2009

confessions of......

Nahum 1:7
The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.

A Stronghold. I've held tight to this scripture for several weeks and given it to several people as I see them struggle with certain things in their lives.

As I plan for Kindergarten graduation-the reality of next year keeps waving in my face. As usual and as with missions-nothing is certain.
I've recently received news that my friend, Anna, is suddenly leaving Venezuela (I believe) because of visa issues. In the midst of my unsurety and busy-ness, I praise God that I am here. In fact, I praise Him that He saw fit to call me here. I've had the best year possibly of my life-doing my dream job. But we aren't called to do our dream jobs. The qualifications of my dream job should state, "Serving Christ." Period. Everytime I want to complain-I simply cannot because it is a privilege to be here.
So-you're probably wondering what all of this is about. I was basically told that I should be prepared to teach something different next year. We have no preschool students enrolled and only 1 Kindergarten student for next year. I found out that my favorite Zambian is in limbo about whether or not she will come back for 1st grade next year :( There is a lot of that going on right now. Embassies are telling them what to expect for next year and it is becoming a reality for many of our students that their home countries may be the reality. Or it could be that as a family moves back to the states a father is going to Iraq or that a Zambian mother will return to Brazil without her son and family. This is the harsh reality of an International Community. I am so blessed to have met so many amazing people, but I am grieving them already.

We have exactly 100 days to double the pre-enrollment numbers. He has been teaching me a lot about faith and prayer . Faith in prayer. Several times I thought some things were just too much..... And did He show me!

Whatever God has for me is going to be amazing. He will be glorified.

Thank You for Your unfailing love. For being a Stronghold and for continuing to show me what that means. Please continue to humble me in this way. Thank you for all my beautiful friends and students. Help me to love them and help them transition into whatever is happening in their lives. I pray for wisdom and understanding in this-even with my 5 year olds. I pray for BIS and the need for new students.

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