Saturday, May 16, 2009

confessions of emails.

I've come to realize a few things over the last couple of days. Fonts matter. The size of your text matters. Wording things simply matters. People can take your words however they want even when you try to be indifferent. Even when you are trying hard to just say what you want to say very simply. I've been a huge fan of emails up until now and because of the things that I've experienced-I no longer want to use it as a means of communication.

God, please humble me in the areas that I need to be humbled. Please break me in the places that I need to be broken. I admit-I am wayward, I have a temper, and I thank you for the verses that Your Word gives to me to deal with this. Please help me to apply grace where needed-especially as you grow me through the things that are not my fault. Please give me wisdom, understanding, grace, self control, and patience in dealing with these things. Words hurt so please help me turn to Your Words when these things come and try to avert my attention from what is pure, holy, and true.

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