So-Children's Day was really nice. I mean-it was stressful about an hour before because I had no clue what I was/was not doing. :) My kids were tearin' up the room (i mean-they cleaned it and it still looks like a tornado hit it in my opinion) and there was no calming them down. We dismissed school an hour early so we could start
the fun and games.
This little guy-I could possibly have next year. He is 4 and speaks Arabic...
I will admit-it was so worth seeing those beautiful smiles and listening to the glee in their voices as they played games. This concept is for the children and it benefits them as well. Each grade level decides on a game, puts it together, and collects the tickets during Children's Day. The class turns the tickets in for money. We get to pick whatever we want for our classroom! I really want some bean bag chairs for our Reading Center. I have a list of wants like-a grocery store set (so they can play with money) and some new books for our classroom library.
We'll see :)
This was a fairly smooth week even through all the changes in schedule, switches in classrooms (we moved out last Wednesday and moved completely back in yesterday) etc. My students were excellent and I am amazed at how adaptive they truly are. Once they see me adapting-they just fall into place. I wish you all could see what I see and watch from a distance as they progress. I know what it means to be a teacher-to be blessed beyond measure-to be interacting with these children. Sometimes it is hard, it is not fun,
This is Kinza. She has the "Flamengo" soccer club flag on the left cheek and their rivals on the left. I think she mentioned that she almost stopped traffic a couple of times on her way home...
You can pray for the salvation of all students pictured above.....
Funny Quotes from the week:
Keep in mind-we're studying Families
"Yes, if you don't get married, you'll stay little forever."-Nicolas (matter of factly)
"Well, I'm never getting married." -Nana (pronounced Nahnah (not nana) and the only girl in the class)
"But Nana, don't you want to get married?" -Nicolas
"Yes, Nana, you will stay little forever." -Thales
{At this point they are all into the conversation giving their 2 cents}
I quickly intercede at this point because I"m about to bust out laughing-I explain that I'm 26, fully grown, and I'm not married. Nicolas didn't know what to say.
Oh-the best one is today-I'm eating lunch with Nicolas and Caleb. As we eat, I'm trying to have a normal (non-teacher) conversation with him.
"Nicolas, what does your dad do for work?"-me
"Well, he eats, reads to me, and takes out the garbage." -Nicolas
"Okay, what does he do for his job?" -me
"Oh yes, he makes the pencil work and sits at his desk." -Nicolas
The view from the sweetest/hilarious 4 year old. I love the "makes the pencil work"
Almost through Hebrews and I think I might linger there for another 13 days. It is that good to me right now. It is amazing how things line up between the books in the Old and New. I am constantly reading things that coincide!
Praise the Lord:
I got my boxes!!!! I dumped everything in the floor and then scrambled for a place to store it all. The kids LOVE seeing all the new "things" and playing in the new "centers." :) We now have two Leap Pad alphabet games (thanks Mom), new Math manipulatives, books, (rainy day) toys, and so much more. My mother is amazing.
what do you need for your classroom/students/living? we have been blessed with a little extra money, and i want to help supply you with whatever it is that you need. let me know!
okay-here's what is happening right now......I'm feeling a burden to give the translators/english speakers some "study bibles". I just ordered two of the new esv study bibles for some people that have unconditionally helped me and shown me what it means to serve-even when it is not conveniant. I felt lead. You can get a portuguese/english bible here, but nothing else in english. They really want them and I think they could really use "study bibles" for growth, etc.
i have a student that has no books in english at home. the family left all the english books because they thought it would be easy to get them here---you cannot buy children's books in english. there are none. well, except at the scholastic bookfair that comes once a year to the other american school....and after one hour all the books are gone...1 hour!
This family has requested that I try to get a picture bible in english. I do not know the best picture Bible for her...
Hey-would you and Justin be interested in "adopting" one of my students? To pray for them, their families, and for a heart knowledge of Christ? I would send you a picture and some information on him/her?
how many study Bibles do you need? justin and i will plan to go to lexington tomorrow to pick some of this up... definitely the picture Bible and children's books, and at least one study Bible. and, we would love to adopt one of your students! what an important job! please let us know anytime you are in need of anything. we love you!
THANK YOU!! Whatever you feel led to do :) I know that you guys will earnestly seek the best in these books-you two are meticulous and serious about the truth being given in everything :) I can't do any of these things from Brazil! You are my eyes :)
Tomorrow-I will work on profiles of each student and I will it to you. :)
Thanks again, I know it's for God, but I'm feeling the blessing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
love you guys :) see you in about 70...
Hey girl!
I miss you! I love reading your blog - sorry that I don't make many comments. I am sure a horrible friend. :( I will try to comment more often! (((hugs)))
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