Wednesday, December 10, 2008

confessions of a miracle....

Today, I have a lot to be thankful for. Maybe more than I ever have.
I was reminded today just exactly how much I love my students. How much I cherish
each little growing personality, character, and spiritual life.
One of my sweet children was injured in an accident in the bathroom due
to a malfunction of the bathroom stall. You may be thinking-oh that is not bad....
well, we have solid marble bathroom stalls here. So, as one student closed the door,
the whole front panel came crashing down on another student. I was within view of the bathroom and the visual that I have will be forever etched in my mind. Unfortunately-I
can't shake this like an etchasketch.
It took three adults to remove the door from the student and to take him out.
I'll never forget his little face. I felt sure that he had internal injuries, broken bones, a concussion-all of that. I assured the other students that it would be okay-lined them up against the wall, and ran off to the office (there was another teacher present). I realized immediately the impact this would have on the school and on the student. This isn't something that is our fault, but it just adds to the overwhelming trials that keep showing themselves as we end this semester. I should thank God for the trials but it is extremely difficult when you have a
traumatizing visual to precede and follow those thoughts.
The school nurse checked him out, applied band-aids and ice to his very minor injuries, and said that everything on the outside was fine. I am a bit relieved but am reminded that I have to write up an incident report and call his mother. We felt like it would be a good idea for him to get an x-ray as well. All of that was okay, but I began to dread the incident report. I knew that I could not describe in enough detail what I had seen. I also knew that they would ask us to show them what happened. And they did. The reactions were predictable.
I experienced a miracle, grace of God-all of that today. I could feel Him working all around me, listening to my silent prayers, and so many things. The doctor called to say that he is fine. He has no broken bones, and no internal injuries. We are all looking at each other as to say, "How is that possible? Thank you, God!" I am shown God's amazing strength and the things He can do. I know He is getting the Glory from all the staff (especially the ones who lived this thing out) and now-we are just praying for the parents. We know they are from a Catholic background-but we do not really know where their hearts are spiritually.
There are many complications that could go with this incident-please pray for our school, for our staff, and for me as we all deal with this and the other problems mentioned below.
I love you guys.
I will see you in 12 1/2 days.


Ashley said...

oh my! what a terrible thing... i am so glad that everyone is okay. we'll keep praying.

jenn said...

I can't wait to see your face tell these stories. You have been such an encouragement to me this semester. Praying for your ending of the semester and safe travels to see us all...

My Pow Pow and Me

My Pow Pow and Me