Monday, September 8, 2008

confessions about a hymn-hater

So, today, someone said to me, "I really don't like hymns. I sang them when I was young and they have no meaning." I almost hit the roof. Grant it-I have only (in the past couple of years) begun to really appreciate the profound meaning of specific hymns. Once I was saved, I really started to understand what I was singing about and how these hymns are lyrical pictures of Christ, grace, salvation, and so many other things. "Nothing But the Blood", "Standing on the Promises", "Come Thou Fount", "Blessed Assurance", "Victory in Jesus",-the list goes on and on. Then there are the ones that have been redone-"Jesus Lover of My Soul", "Jesus Paid it All", "On Jordan's Stormy Banks", "How Deep the Father's Love"-the list goes on and on and on.
I don't think I needed to say anything to this person-I think the look said it all. As Tiffany Hardin says, "Judgemental Eyes". I feel terrible and then I don't. I don't feel terrible for feeling this way about the great words of hymns past. How could you be a hymn-hater or an "Unlover of Hymns?"
There are some really great Contemporary Praise and Worship Songs out, but man, to totally discard the hymns?
I appreciate them now more than ever. I'm hearing them in church and for the most part they are the only songs that I know. I know the words I'm saying and when the choir sings-I can just close my eyes and visualize the words. It feels so good to be a hymn-lover.

Prayer Requests:

  • Staff family members are afflicted with different things-viruses, cancer, homesickness, organ failure, etc.
  • My Granny as she is dealing with her foot swelling again. She is not able to have an operation to correct this-so she has to deal with it as it comes and goes.
  • Staff members waitign for visas: Aundrea and Michael Taylor and our newest teacher-Stephanie Downing :)
  • Graduates of BIS-as they go to college (some are not saved but are deeply influenced by BIS)-some of them are going to Muslim communities to live while they attend college.
  • Challenges of learning Portuguese (But I am learning)-praying for a Portuguese tutor.....
  • A Youth Conference being held here Sept. 25-27th and the Outreaches that will take place before.
  • Mary Wolford, as she is working with in orphanages and facilitating discipleship relationships with the people there!
  • For lost relatives, friends, and students.


  • The dollar is strengthening! 1.72 today! (which is a praise-it makes our support go further)
  • For my Supporters-THANK YOU!!!!! I appreciate your diligence :) Also-thank you to those who are new supporters :)
  • For those whom are sent to me in the form of interpretors on Sunday morning. I pray so hard for this-I am attending a really phenomenal Sunday School class and they are so persistant in finding me an interpretor every single Sunday morning. I don't even have to ask-they just come. This is giving me a chance to meet different people and foster some amazing relationships.
  • For my beautiful students-their beautiful character-and their amazing perspectives....I am so blessed to be here serving God.


jenn said...

hello my sweet sister! I'm with you on the hyms. I do love when we get to sit on my front porch and sing together, harmonizing and all. Ok, so Buck Run has planned a mission trip to Brazil on June 26-July6 or something like that. I'm pretty sure John is going (or at least I'm telling him that), so we need to figure out if you are going to be around or whatever. I'll keep you posted. I miss you. Phil. 1:3

Sing O' sing of My redeemer...

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