chaos. I was really afraid of that on Friday. Reading Month was ending-Thing 1 and Thing 2 were coming out to cause trouble on our campus. I can only imagine what this looked like to the Brasilians passing along the back lot. About 100 English speakers shouting, throwing water balloons, playing in the soap soccer, swimming in the puddles, and making sand castles on the volleyball court. This is what I was afraid of? Wow-this fear turned out really well. Why is it that some things we should be afraid of and aren't while others we are too afraid of and shouldn't be? What is it that tears us up? Nao sei. (I don't know).
Mom finished her last work day with us watching everyone get soaked
and getting plowed by several water balloons. :) The kids loved her and she loved them. I think she REALLY misses my dad. I think this is the longest they've been apart maybe in their lives? Hmmm, and he just can't stand it...I can hear it in his voice the other night. I asked him when he was going to come and visit us. Haha. She's been a super blessing to the school and to me this month. We were asked to "ice cream"tomorrow by Nicolas and his parents :) So-that will be kind of interesting. I don't know that I've ever been out with "parents" before. Just another aspect of the Christian School that is kind of amazing.....
The day was completely perfect and worked out by God. He orchestrated everything to be just so many little things. The kids weren't so disappointed with all the changes we made from last year.....and I loved sitting in the big rain puddles that God provided. We played in the water, the sand, took off our shoes, and everyone was safe. Thank you, God. :)
It was the best day of school so far. We were to dress up as what we wanted to be when we grew up. Well, I am what I wanted to be....exactly. Funny how that works out..... But I would also like to be a Seminary student-so I threw on my Southern shirt, packed my Systematic Theology and my ESV study bible, jeans, and tennis shoes..... But now, I realize---does Southern have a dress code or have I lost my mind? was a perfect way to dress down a bit.
In my reading-I'm in 1 Chronicles, Joshua, Hosea, and Ezekiel. I'm loving Joshua and I'm just starting the others. :) Mmmm..thanks Mare for the ESV study really connects a lot of things and helps me to understand how it all goes together-especially with all the kings, their mothers, their territories, sons, etc etc...and the tribes-their land, their daughters, sons, cities,, etc..... Thanks again!
I've also been thinking of betrayal. What should we do about that? I think about Jesus and the way he confronted Judas. But in that, Jesus was paying for all our sins. So=do I have any reason to avenge a betrayer? Big or small? Nope. It has already been avenged. Pray for them, pray that their hearts will be changed. Pray that you can love them more despite their faults so that Christ is glorified in your actions. Easier said than done....but we are commanded to love.
Joshua 1:9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Thank you God for so many things. Thank you for keeping my students safe and providing an amazing day for them. Your amazing hands work calmly in the midst of what we perceive as chaos. Thank you for calming my mind and allowing me to see how vengeance is not mine. Thank you for your Son, your only Son that took the vengeance for those sins and all of mine.
Mom finished her last work day with us watching everyone get soaked
The day was completely perfect and worked out by God. He orchestrated everything to be just so many little things. The kids weren't so disappointed with all the changes we made from last year.....and I loved sitting in the big rain puddles that God provided. We played in the water, the sand, took off our shoes, and everyone was safe. Thank you, God. :)
It was the best day of school so far. We were to dress up as what we wanted to be when we grew up. Well, I am what I wanted to be....exactly. Funny how that works out..... But I would also like to be a Seminary student-so I threw on my Southern shirt, packed my Systematic Theology and my ESV study bible, jeans, and tennis shoes..... But now, I realize---does Southern have a dress code or have I lost my mind? was a perfect way to dress down a bit.
In my reading-I'm in 1 Chronicles, Joshua, Hosea, and Ezekiel. I'm loving Joshua and I'm just starting the others. :) Mmmm..thanks Mare for the ESV study really connects a lot of things and helps me to understand how it all goes together-especially with all the kings, their mothers, their territories, sons, etc etc...and the tribes-their land, their daughters, sons, cities,, etc..... Thanks again!
I've also been thinking of betrayal. What should we do about that? I think about Jesus and the way he confronted Judas. But in that, Jesus was paying for all our sins. So=do I have any reason to avenge a betrayer? Big or small? Nope. It has already been avenged. Pray for them, pray that their hearts will be changed. Pray that you can love them more despite their faults so that Christ is glorified in your actions. Easier said than done....but we are commanded to love.
Joshua 1:9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Thank you God for so many things. Thank you for keeping my students safe and providing an amazing day for them. Your amazing hands work calmly in the midst of what we perceive as chaos. Thank you for calming my mind and allowing me to see how vengeance is not mine. Thank you for your Son, your only Son that took the vengeance for those sins and all of mine.
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