Saturday, September 26, 2009

i think about coming home...but i dream about staying...

that is the truth. i dream about staying here. my heart is full of affections that i cannot explain nor do i want to try-i end up in a blubbery mess...

I sent out(yes, we don't send them back home-we equip them and send them out) my little Saudi Arabian last week-complete with a Bible and 1,000 pictures. I pray that he is transitioning well and using is Arabic and not his Arabi-guese that he used here. I pray that the four friends he talked about will be gracious to him...and I pray that he is reminded of God daily and how He loves him.

It is Spring here!!! It is still raining! Yay! God has been so good in providing a cool rain for us throughout the dry season! It is strange to some-but I rejoice in the odd weather!

Thank you for all your prayers-I am back on track with my Quiet Time-daily! I'm reading through the Bible again and it is even sweeter this time. I'm loving Exodus, Isaiah, Psalm, and Luke! I'm getting up diligently every morning to have this time with God. My days are not easy, but they are amazing because I know that I've prayed over them and that I'm being fed through the Word!

I started Smash Unplugged this week=the group of Jr High Girls that I disciple on a bi-weekly basis(I can see them at school-we just have our formal meetings every other Wed.). I wrestled with what to do with them and finally decided on the attributes of God. I'm using Wayne Grudem's 20 Questions book. We got through God "exists", "is knowable", and "is independent". I just wanted to be faithful to the Word and to God as I shared with the girls. I was nervous, but I loved how Grudem said (in not these exact words)--the more we know about God the more we know how he wants us to be. I think the biggest thing was how God was independent, he doesn't need us, and he is in every person because He has always been around. I'm really learning a lot and pondering many more thoughts as I prepare for these sessions with the girls :)

Thank you for being all that you are and for allowing us to know some things and hiding the rest. For being independent and for humbling a servant as she understand more about dependence and less about her "worldly view on independence". Thank you for the opportunities to show others who You are and to watch them grow in their knowledge of You. I pray that they will treasure You and take the Truth to the ends of the earth. Help me to send them out well equipped and ready. I am not worthy, but you choose to use me. Thank you for this opportunity. I praise you-for I am the daughter you have formed, called, and forgotten her sins. Amen.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

It's amazing to me how God is working in similar ways among His people, even when they are in completely different places. We just started gender based small group discipleship with our youth, and it's going great! I'll be praying for you as you get more involved with your girls! Missing you, and sending hugs all the way from TN. Love you!

My Pow Pow and Me

My Pow Pow and Me